Deborah Gross
Reaugh, B., Beckensten, R., Gross, D., Brearley, D. (2017). SCADA Systems for Large-Scale PV Plants.
SolarPro Magazine, May/June, 18-32.
Gross, D. (2003). Assessing Local Government Capacity for Ecologically Sound Management of Flowing
Water in the Landscapes of the Great Lakes Basin. MS Thesis, Natural Resources, Cornell University.
Gross, D., Levy J., Pinney, D., Schomaker, K. (1997). New Milford Farms and Organic Residue Recycling. In:
Chertow, M. and Portlock, M. (Eds.). Developing Industrial Ecosystems: Approaches, Cases, and Tools.
(2002, pp. 49-68). Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Bulletin Series. 95.
Vishal Mehta
Journal Articles : US
Yates, D., Mehta, V., Huber-Lee, A., McCluskey, A. and Purkey, D. (2021) Exploring the water-energy nexus
in California via an integrative modeling approach. Journal of Water Resources Planning and
Management, 147(12).
V. K. Mehta, C. A. Young, S. R. Bresney, D. S. Spivak, and J. M. Winter. (2018) How can we support the
development of robust Groundwater Sustainability Plans? California Agriculture, 2(1):54-64.
Purkey, D. R., Escobar Arias, M. I., Mehta, V. K., Forni, L., Depsky, N. J., Yates, D. N., Stevenson, W. N. (2018)
A Philosophical Justification for a Novel Analysis-Supported, Stakeholder-Driven Participatory Process
for Water Resources Planning and Decision Making. Water 10(8).
M. Winter, C. A. Young, V. K. Mehta, A. C. Ruane, M. Azarderakhsh, A. Davitt, K. McDonald, V. R. Haden, and
C. Rosenzweig. (2017) Integrating water supply constraints into irrigated agricultural simulations of
California. Environmental Modelling & Software 96:335-346.
L. G. Forni, S. E. Galaitsi, V. K. Mehta, M. I. Escobar, D. R. Purkey, N. J. Depsky, and N. A. Lima. (2016)
Exploring scientific information for policy making under deep uncertainty. Environmental Modelling &
Software, 86:232-247.
Rheinheimer, D., J. Viers, J. Sieber, M. Kiparsky, V. Mehta, and S. Ligare. (2014) Simulating High-Elevation
Hydropower with Regional Climate Warming in the West Slope, Sierra Nevada. Journal of Water
Resources Planning and Management 140(5): 714–23.
Mehta, V.K., Haden, V.R.,Joyce, B.A., Purkey, D.R., Jackson, L.E. (2013) Irrigation demand and supply given
projections of climate and land-use change in Yolo County, California. Agricultural Water Management
117: 70-82.
Vergis, S., and Mehta, V.K. (2012) “Technology innovation and policy: a case study of the California ZEV
mandate”. In “Paving the Road to Sustainable Transport: Governance and innovation in low-carbon
vehicles”. Eds M.Nilson, K. Hillman, A. Rickne, T. Magnusson. P.136-158.
Mehta, V.K., Rheinheimer, D.E., Yates,D. ,Purkey, D. R., Viers, J. H., Young, C.A., Mount. J. F. (2011)
Potential impacts on hydrology and hydropower production under climate warming of the Sierra Nevada.
Journal of Water and Climate Change 2(1): 29–43.
Joyce, B.A., Mehta, V.K., Purkey, D.R., Dale, L.L., Hanemann, M. (2011) Modifying agricultural water
management to adapt to climate change in California’s central valley. Climatic Change 109(1):299-316.
Young, C. A., Escobar-Arias, M. I., Fernandes, M., Joyce, B., Kiparsky, M., Mount, J. F., Mehta, V. K., Purkey,
D. R., Viers, J. H., and Yates, D. (2009) Modeling the hydrology of climate change in California’s Sierra
Nevada for subwatershed scale adaptation. Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Mehta, V.K., M. T. Walter, E. S. Brooks, T. S. Steenhuis, M. F. Walter, M. Johnson, J. Boll, and D. Thongs.
(2004) Application of SMR to modeling watersheds in the Catskill Mountains. Environmental Modeling
and Assessment, 9(2):77-89.
Johnson, M.S., Coon, W.F., Mehta, V.K., Steenhuis, T.S., Brooks, E.S., Boll, J. (2003) Application of two
hydrologic models with different runoff mechanisms to a hillslope dominated watershed in the
northeastern US: a comparison of HSPF and SMR. Journal of Hydrology 284:57-76.
Walter, M.T., Mehta, V.K., Marrone, A.M., Boll, J., P. Gerard-Marchant, Steenhuis, T.A., Walter, M.F. (2003)
Simple estimation of the prevalence of Hortonian Flow in the New York City watersheds. ASCE J.
Hydrologic Engineering 8(4):214-218.
Walter, M.T., Steenhuis, T.S., Mehta, V.K., Thongs, D., Zion, M., Schneiderman, E. 2002. A Refined
conceptualization of TOPMODEL for shallow subsurface flows. Hydrological Processes 16(10):2041-
Journal Articles : International
Cinderby S., Archer, D., Mehta, V.K, Neale, C., Opiyo, R., Pateman, R.M., Muhoza, C., Adeline, C. and
Tukhanen, H. (2021) Assessing Inequalities in Wellbeing at a Neighbourhood Scale in Low-Middle-
Income-Country Secondary Cities and Their Implications for Long-Term Livability. Front. Sociol.
Tomer, S.K., Sekhar, M., Balakrishnan, K., Malghan, D., Thiyaku, S., Gautam, M. and Mehta, V. (2020) A
model-based estimate of the groundwater budget and associated uncertainties in Bengaluru, India.
Urban Water Journal, 18(1), 1-11.
Sekhar, M.; Tomer, S.K.; Thiyaku, S.; Giriraj, P.; Murthy, S.; Mehta, V.K. (2018) Groundwater Level Dynamics
in Bengaluru City, India. Sustainability 10, 26.
Mehta, V.K., Goswami, R., Kemp-Benedict, E., Sekhar, M. Malghan, D. (2014) Metabolic urbanism and
Environmental Justice: The Water Conundrum in Bangalore, India. Environmental Justice 7(5). 130-137.
Mehta, V.K., Goswami, R., Kemp-Benedict, E., Sekhar, M. Malghan, D. (2013) The Social Ecology of Water
Use in Bangalore. Economic and Political Weekly XLVIII (15): 40-50.
Mehta V.K., Aslam, O., Dale, L., Miller, N., Purkey, D. (2013) Scenario-based water resources planning for
utilities in the Lake Victoria region. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Special Issue: Hydrology, land-use
and climate in the Nile Basin: recent modelling experience. 61-62: 22-31.
Mehta V.K., Sullivan, P.J., Walter, M.T., Krishnaswamy, L., DeGloria, S.D. (2008). Impacts of disturbance on
soil properties in a dry tropical forest in southern India. Ecohydrology 1(2):161-175
Mehta, V.K., Sullivan, P.J., Walter, M.T., Krishnaswamy, L., DeGloria, S.D., 2008. Ecosystem Impacts of
disturbance in a dry tropical forest in southern India. Ecohydrology 1(2):149-160.
Krishnaswamy, J., Bunyan, M., Mehta, V.K., Patil, N., Karanth, K.U., 2006. Impact of Iron-ore Mining on
sediment response in a tropical catchment in Kudremukh, Western Ghats, India. Forest Ecology and
Management 224:187-198.
Krishnaswamy, J., Mehta, V. K., Joshi, P., Rakesh, K. N., and Suparsh, P. N. 2006. Comparative Hydrology in
Forested South India: Methodological Approaches to Unique Challenges. In Krishnaswamy, S. Lele and R.
Jayakumar (eds.) Hydrology and Watershed Services in the Western Ghats of India. Effects of Land Use and
Land Cover Change. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi p. 265-295.
Other writing
Ramprasad, A., V.K. Mehta, R. Gowrish. A Digitalisation Roadmap for Climate-Smart Agriculture. In India G20
Task Force 6 Accelerating SDG’s. May 2023. India.
Groves, David G., Evan Bloom, David R. Johnson, David Yates, and Vishal Mehta. Addressing Climate Change
in Local Water Agency Plans. 2013. RAND Corporation 76p.
Groves, David G. V.K. Mehta, et al. Developing Robust Strategies for Climate Change and Other Risks: A Water
Utility Framework. 2014. Water Research Foundation Report #4262
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in California Agriculture. 2009. Publication # CEC-500-2012-California Energy Commission.
Adaptation Strategies for Agricultural Sustainability in Yolo County, California. 2009. Publication # CEC-500-
2012-032. California Energy Commission.
Mehta, V.K., D. Beaudette, D. Purkey, T. Downing, S. Bharwani. 2009. Climate Adaption Planning in California
Using Google Earth ®/weADAPT®: A Pilot Study. California Energy Commission, Energy-Related
Environmental Research Program.
Vishal K. Mehta and Mana Roy, 2016. “The Haathi and the Cow”. ISBN 978-1-36-721025-7. Self-published
children’s book. Designed by Deborah Gross.